About Me


I am an economist, Associate Professor at the University of Michigan, and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.

My main fields of research are empirical industrial organization and antitrust economics. For a complete list of my publications, visit my research page or view my CV .

Current and Recent Research

Conformant and Efficient Estimation of Discrete Choice Demand Models (May 2023)
(with Paul Grieco, Joris Pinkse, Stephan Sagl)
Revisions requested from Econometrica
Julia Package documentation, or Pkg.add("Grumps") in Julia

  • We propose a likelihood based estimator for BLP-style demand models that natively incorporates multiple sources of data: “micro” data from individual purchases and aggregate data on shares and prices.

Bundling Demand in K-12 Broadband Procurement

(with Gaurab Aryal, Arnab Palit, and Pallavi Pal)
Accepted in the non-publication track at EC'24

  • Geographically bundling schools in broadband procurement had a large effect on prices and speed, likely due to improved competition and an exposure problem. We show large welfare increases to schools from the new procurement design.

The Evolution of Market Power in the US Automobile Industry (July 2023)
(with Paul Grieco and Ali Yurukoglu)
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 139, Issue 2, May 2024, Pages 1201–1253.
Replication Package

  • We estimate a decrease in markups and a rise in consumer surplus in the US automobile market from 1980–2018. Production efficiencies and rising product quality are the main sources for the increase in consumer surplus, not changes in market concentration or changing preferences.

Price Discrimination in International Airline Markets
(with Gaurab Aryal and Jonathan W. Williams)
Review of Economic Studies Volume 91, Issue 2, March 2024, Pages 641–689.
replicaiton package

  • We develop and estimate a model of dynamic pricing and price discrimination of a monopolist airline to quantify how consumers and firms split surplus.
  • Airlines achieve 77% of 1st-best welfare and most of the gap is due to private information by passengers, not airline uncertainty about future arriving passengers.

Inventory Management in Decentralized Markets (March 2023)
(with Fei Li, Can Tan, and Yiyi Zhou)
International Economic Review Volume 65, Issue 1, February 2024, Pages 431-470.

  • We present a model of an intermediary that faces search frictions in both the “retail” and “wholesale” market. In equilibrium, intermediaries hold and manage inventory.
  • We quantify the model and find that incentives for inventory management in the used car market come from search frictions, not inventory holding costs.

For a complete list of my publications, visit my research page.